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Francesca Episcopo

  • BIO

Francesca Episcopo holds a degree in law summa cum laude from the University of Pisa (2014), with a specialization in private law and comparative private law. She earned a MJur (Magister Juris – Master of Laws) at the University of Oxford (2016) and a Ph.D. in private law at the University of Pisa (2019). She also qualified for practicing as a lawyer in Italy (2016).

Since 2018 Francesca is a research fellow at the Dirpolis Institute, where she works on various European projects (such as the H2020 project INBOTS), studies (such as SAFENES, a study commissioned by the European Commission), and initiatives on the regulation of robotics and artificial intelligence. Her research mainly focuses on liability rules and insurance models for robotics, standardization, product safety certification, data protection and management, robo-ethics, and users’ acceptance of robotics and AI. She was invited to discuss several issues connected to the regulation of robotics and AI at the European Parliament, during the EYE - European Youth Event, as well as before the ITRE Committee, during the EYE Parliamentary Hearings.


  • Episcopo, “Il problema dei danni puntivi”, in E. Navarretta (a cura di), Codice delle Responsabilità, Giuffrè, forthcoming
  • Episcopo, “Il rapporto fra componenti risarcitorie con funzione deterrente e pene private”, in E. Navarretta (ed), Codice delle Responsabilità, Giuffrè, forthcoming
  • Suardi, Lieshout, Timan, Kirova, Karanilokova, Episcopo, Chen ,Costenco, Bertolini, Bolchi, Alberti, "Study on Safety of non-embedded software; Service, data access, and legal issues of advanced robots, autonomous, connected, and AI-based vehicles and systems", Study commissioned by the European Commission, ISBN 978-92-79-99496-8;
  • Episcopo, "Principio di effettività e diritto giurisprudenziale nell’ordinamento europeo”, in E. Navarretta (ed), Effettività e Drittwirkung: idee a confronto, Giappichelli, 2018, ISBN 9788892113640